Under the Sun

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Plastic money

When I first started working, I didn't even have a bank account. I never believed in these banks and the plastic money.

With the bank agents calling a hundred and one times offering credit cards, one day, when there was little less work than normal, I decided to eat one of their head instead.

I remember a conversation thus, which I had with this "credit-card seller" (ccs)

ccs - Ma'am can I take 2 mins of your time
Ira - Sure
ccs - We are offering you free credit card
Ira - No, am not interested
ccs - But ma'am it's free, you don't pay a dime
Ira - Yes, sure but I don't want one, I already have these debit cards and so many other things in my wallet
ccs - One more would not make a difference ma'am
Ira - Well, like smoking and drinking, one more will make a difference in this case as well. One thing leads to another.
ccs - Do you already have a credit-card ma'am.
Ira - Don't have one, don't want one
ccs - Ok ma'am (pause) let's forget that I was selling you a credit-card, can you tell me why you don't want credit cards? Why are you so adamant about not having one.
It's interesting!
Ira - Well I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I want to live well under my means. I don't want to be borrowing form here and there just to satisfy the insatiable hunger for new consummables.I am basiccaly a villager, like everyone else, and I strongly believe that I can well manage my life without any credit-cards, to spoil my fun by making me buy buy and buy so I spead the rest of my like paying, paying and paying. (:)))
ccs - This is enlightenment ma'am, thanks a lot for your time!
Ira- Sure, most welcome, not anytime though!

Pleased I went on with my work and did it well.


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